Researchers from the National University of Rwanda have discovered that Nyungwe rainforest which is located in the Southwestern area of Rwanda a harmful plant scientifically called serochochys scadens

The buffaloes and elephants have been eating the plant but currently only five elephants have recorded remaining in the Kamiranzovu swamp near the area and all the buffaloes have completely disappeared.

The forest also no longer receives enough rainfall because of the continued settling of humans in the forest and no steps have been taken to protect the forest. This has been seen in Gishwati forest where the farmers have cut down the trees to grow crops, make charcoal and graze their cattle.Gishwati has been left with no tree because a number of Rwandans that had migrated during the genocide in 1994 have returned to their country looking for land to settle on and begin a new life.

The government has to declare Nyungwe forest a national reserve so that tourism can support conservation hard work and research.

Rwanda’s government has assigned the management of the Nyungwe natural reserve to a British forestry company and the company plans to invest in the organization of a number of manufacturing industries for building materials and the construction of a modern country in the forest to construct office equipment.


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