Nyungwe Local Communities Gain from Rwanda Tourism Revenue

Nyungwe local childrenLast week, the Rwanda Development Board held a vibrant ceremony which featured the launching of a campaign against poaching as well as the launch of community projects close to Nyungwe National Park. Among the community projects achieved from the tourism revenue-sharing scheme included building of an extra four classroom at the Gisakura primary School found in Nyamasheke district.

Furthermore, the partnership between the park officials and the National Police of Rwanda led to the capturing of poaching weapons as well as 150 Kilograms of elephant tusks in the last year, and all those items were destroyed in front of the attendees who were at that function.

Several Former poachers who were operating in Nyungwe Park also narrated their experiences on how their lives over time have changed since they abandoned the illegal poaching way of life and joining efforts with the park officials under the wildlife patrol unit.

Kamari Aime Fabien – the Nyamasheke District Mayor, said that the new classrooms are great addition to Gisakura primary School considering the fact that the present facilities were put up back in 1978. This significant development made will enable the school to serve more pupils especially those living in the 8 villages within Buvungira Cell.

‘The Buvungira Cell community had limited education services since Gisakura School had few classed that couldn’t accommodate all the children living within that area. Thanks to this great initiative by RDB, access to education services has now improved. The Rwanda Development Board not only stopped at constructing classrooms but went ahead to fund the Karengera water project so as to address the water shortage challenge as well as tone down water-borne diseases within Mwezi Cell.

The mayor in addition stated that he didn’t have enough words to describe how grateful the people living around the park are. Today the communities living around the different National Parks normally visited during Safaris in Rwanda are currently benefiting from the revenue earned through tourism.

For more information regarding Destination Rwanda please visit http://www.gorillasafarirwanda.com/

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